How to Build P.O.W.E.R. Teams



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Adrian Molina


10 Minutes

Every organization has a mission. Moving a mission forward is hard work, and nearly impossible to do alone. At VOUS, we say that church is a family, organization, and army. Successful missions have an army of people working behind them - an army of POWERful teams. In this video, Adrian Molina shares how building P.O.W.E.R teams help your organization play the long game. Check out the article here for more.

How to Build P.O.W.E.R. Teams



Adrian Molina


10 Minutes

Every organization has a mission. Moving a mission forward is hard work, and nearly impossible to do alone. At VOUS, we say that church is a family, organization, and army. Successful missions have an army of people working behind them - an army of POWERful teams. In this video, Adrian Molina shares how building P.O.W.E.R teams help your organization play the long game. Check out the article here for more.